Renting a car is always a great idea when you go on vacation. It can help you save a lot of money on taxi rides, offers more safety compared to using public transportation, and provides convenience when unexpected changes in the travel plan occur.
However, it can also cause a lot of unnecessary headaches if you are not careful. Fortunately, most of these problems can be avoided with the following steps that we will share with you here.
- Limit Additional Drivers
We strongly recommend driving the rental car yourself as often as possible. It is quite natural that some people will be less careful when they know that they will not be held responsible for any potential mishaps. However, we also understand that there are trips where driving alone is just too stressful. In this case, be sure to include the additional driver in your rental agreement. This will keep your insurance covered in case something happens that requires a claim. We know it is not always the cheapest option for family vacationers, but it will actually save you a lot of money and hassle.
- Know the policies and terms of service
Learn what is and isn’t covered by your insurance. Find out what cases it doesn’t cover. Know the rules for crossing borders and mileage limits.
- Inspect the car and take photos
You don’t want to be held responsible for someone else’s misuse of the car. Carefully inspect every rental car you get – inside and out – this is our number one tip for renting a car. Make note of any damage and take photos in case something happens. This inspection should be done before you even start the car.
- Make sure you get full coverage
Even if you think you’re the best driver in the world (or really are), you should invest in insurance with no excess. Full coverage will cover your damages in the event of an accident. However, most damage to rental cars isn’t accidents. It’s minor damage like scratches or broken tires and mirrors. The last thing you want is to park the car at night only to discover a missing mirror the next morning. Or if someone scratches your car while you’re parking it and you don’t notice until you return the vehicle. These damages are not covered by insurance, which is why at MCY we recommend all of our customers to purchase full insurance to have peace of mind when driving.
- Stay on paved roads
This point probably sounds obvious, but hear this out. There aren’t many car rental companies that will approve of you driving a rental car off-road. And off-road driving doesn’t always have to mean muddy terrain. Imagine you’re in Hawaii and want to visit a scenic stretch of beach that doesn’t have a paved path. The same goes for driving on a grassy field. Both cases are actually off-road driving and are a violation of your rental agreement. If you get stuck with a rental car because you drove somewhere you shouldn’t have, you’ll be stuck with shoveling and cleaning fees.
- Ask what fuel your rental car requires
Unless you want to double the price of fuel by returning the car with an empty tank, make sure you know what fuel your vehicle runs on.
- Fill up before returning
Your vacation was amazing, but now it’s time to return the car and drive home. The only problem is that you returned the car with an empty tank. Can you have the rental station fill up the tank? Of course, but you could pay triple the price per liter. It only takes 10 minutes to fill up the tank before returning it. Even if you’re already at the airport, it’s worth turning around and finding a nearby gas station.
- Bring your own extras if possible
Sometimes you need more than just a car for the trip, and car rental companies offer many extras with the rental. To save on the convenience fee, you can bring some of the extras from home. For example, instead of using the rental location’s GPS, you can just use the maps app on your phone as long as you don’t incur unnecessary data costs. The same goes for satellite radio. It’s fun to listen to the ’80s on channel 8, but it’s even more enjoyable to enjoy the funny commercials on the local stations.
Familiarize yourself with the rental vehicle
Every car is different. It’s likely that you won’t be driving the same model as you do at home. Before you drive, take the time to adjust the seat and mirrors to your liking. Check where to find the car’s features like air conditioning, lights, wipers and handbrake. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the vehicle, you’re ready to drive.
- Return the car on time
Finally, don’t forget to return the car on time – not a day early or late. Otherwise, you might incur penalties. Make sure you inform the rental station immediately if your return time changes unexpectedly to discuss any potential additional charges.
Renting a car doesn’t have to be expensive. If you keep the above tips in mind, we’re confident you can make your trip both comfortable and cost-effective.
We wish you a safe journey!